
Beware of Evil Companions will effect your POWERCHOICE

  Beware Of Evil Companions (1:10-19) INTRODUCTION In our study of Proverbs thus far, we have seen that wisdom requires... Fearing the Lord, so that we heed His Word -  Pr 1:7 Respecting our parents, so that we listen to their advice -  Pr 1:8-9 What about our friends...? Our peers with whom we spend so much time? Might they not be a source of good counsel, i.e., wisdom? [Indeed they can (cf.  Pr 27:9 ). But the wrong kind of friends must be avoided. This is illustrated in our text for this study ( Pr 1:10-19 ) which contains...] FATHERLY WARNING CONCERNING EVIL COMPANIONS DO NOT CONSENT TO THEIR COUNSEL... A father's advice: "If sinners entice you, do not consent" -  Pr 1:10 Especially when they seek to entice you to do evil -  Pr 1:11-12 When they tempt you with promises of easy gain -  Pr 1:13-14 -- The example is enticement to murder and robbery DO NOT WALK WITH THEM... Keep away from such "friends" who are quick to do evil -  Pr 1:15-16 Their...

the ultimate power play.

  The Eternal Word In the beginning,   was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  2  He was in the beginning with God.  3  All things were made through  Him ,   and without Him, nothing   was made that was made.  4  In Him was life, and the life  was the light of men.  5  And the light shines in the darkness, and   the darkness did not   [ a comprehend it. God's plan was initiated from the very beginning. Normally plans are written out to inform   others helping us   HOW  to fulfill that plan. When God speaks His Words are carried out by the  Holy Ghost .  It is the Holy Ghost that helps us to carry out the wishes of what is spoken by God.  That which is spoken by God is the WORD OF GOD

What do you want out of life?

What do you want out of life is a simple question to some and a hard question to others. Many people do not know what they want because they don't know what direction life will lead to fulfillment later. I believe that people need to enter a place of searching to find themselves before they commit to a certain system of success.


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Who is eligible make a powerchoice?

  A Powerchoice is made by those who seek to change their circumstances. A circumstance does not change unless someone makes a decision to change it. In a nutshell, a decision must be made.

Whats a Powerchoice?

 A Powerchoice is the type of choice that will determine the direction of your life. A Powerchoice can release you to the next opportunity in your life.