Beware of Evil Companions will effect your POWERCHOICE
Beware Of Evil Companions (1:10-19) INTRODUCTION In our study of Proverbs thus far, we have seen that wisdom requires... Fearing the Lord, so that we heed His Word - Pr 1:7 Respecting our parents, so that we listen to their advice - Pr 1:8-9 What about our friends...? Our peers with whom we spend so much time? Might they not be a source of good counsel, i.e., wisdom? [Indeed they can (cf. Pr 27:9 ). But the wrong kind of friends must be avoided. This is illustrated in our text for this study ( Pr 1:10-19 ) which contains...] FATHERLY WARNING CONCERNING EVIL COMPANIONS DO NOT CONSENT TO THEIR COUNSEL... A father's advice: "If sinners entice you, do not consent" - Pr 1:10 Especially when they seek to entice you to do evil - Pr 1:11-12 When they tempt you with promises of easy gain - Pr 1:13-14 -- The example is enticement to murder and robbery DO NOT WALK WITH THEM... Keep away from such "friends" who are quick to do evil - Pr 1:15-16 Their...